Very productive meeting with potential millionaire investors

Greetings Friends,
I have pleasure to announce that we have had productive meetings with millionaires at the Business & Marketing Mastery Conference.
We met millionaires including Jessen James, Simon Coulston & Darren Winters all of which took a big interest in our vital project.
We hope to have follow up meetings in future with them...
There were some amazing speakers there too including Jessen James (pictured middle below), who really engaged the audience by talking from the heart and engaging their emotions. He also had a very powerful meditation that actually brought tears to my eyes. It was about zooming out and viewing your life as a timeline and seeing to the left is the past and the right being the future and showed how all the past pain can now be turned around, that this was the turning point for a brighter future.
I could personally really relate to this because of all the pain and prejudice I had suffered due to my label of Autism both as a child and into adulthood. I turned it all around when I started yoga, mediation and mindfulness, which is why I then created Yoga4Autism to teach what I had discovered. I am also an Advoicate for Autism Awareness and do public talking at Autism Shows, schools, colleges, care homes, etc sharing my story on how I turned it all around and how Yoga4Autism came to be.,
You can check one of these out on the Yoga4Autism website below at one of the talks I did at the Om Yoga Show:
It is also here:
I have improved a lot since I did this talk 4 years ago, we have more recent ones we will upload soon... :)
Below on the left is our new Networking Co-coordinator Ion, Jessen James middle and me David Ellams (Founder & MD) on the right.
Ion is the one who has introduced us to these millionaires and many other powerful and influential people who we hope can help with our very important project.

In love, light & hope,
David Ellams BSc(Hons)
Proud & Liberated Aspie
Founder & Managing Director
NextGen Software Ltd