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OASIS API Demo & Tech Deep Dive! :)

Greetings Friends,

We have pleasure to announce that the OASIS API demo went really well where our founder David Ellams (James Halliday) did a demo of the OASIS API & a deep tech dive and also took questions, etc.

It went well despite a funny troll turning up near the beginning, which has been cut from this version below.

He covers the deep synergises between Holochain and the OASIS API and showed a sneak preview of the .NET HDK Templating Engine, which generates dynamic rust and C# code from templates, work checking out! :)

This has many advantages over just using the rust HDK because you do not need to worry about the low level rust code, and can just focus on the business logic because you work in a higher level of abstraction. This will also of course be deeply integrated into the OASIS API, allowing Holochain hApps to inter-operate with EVERYTHING, currently this includes Holochain, Ethereum, EOSIO, Telos, MongoDB & SQLLite. Soon it will also be with ThreeFold, BlockStack, Verses, SEEDS and many more!

Read more about the .NET HDK below:

This video is 2:22:22 long, that is a very strong Master Builder number, which is the Universe confirming that David is a Master Bridge Builder as has been previously confirmed many times. Plus angel number 2 means manifestation, and the more 2's there is the stronger the message so as you can see that is a very powerful sign and oman right there! ;-)

The animated video at the beginning represents the earth ascending into the 5th dimension after the OASIS API fully integrates and unifies us into ONE, hence the lightning and hearts and finally the Grand Solar Flash due to occur on Dec 21st 2020... ;-)

If the above video doesn't work then try the one below (the above has the Age of Aquarius song at the end so it has been blocked in some countries):

If you want to view only top level OASIS API Overview then check out this video:

If you want to view only the OASIS Architecture code then check out this view:

David also talks about Blazor integration, which allows you to create web apps in c# that compiles into Web Assembly and runs in the browser. This means with Holochain also compiling to Web Assembly at the back-end, you now have Web Assembly for both the front-end and back-end, the result? SUPER FAST BLAZING fast web apps! :)

We have already started prototyping this ground breaking tech, we are hoping we can even embed the Holochain Conductor within the C# Web Assembly code running in the browser this means you can then have hApps FULLY integrated and standalone within the browser without needing the Holo network, effectively cutting out the middleman and also the cloudflare central point of failure/bottleneck making it truly decentralised distributed! :)

We will share more on this soon...

As always, we would really appreciate your help working on this to help speed things up, so if this interests you we would LOVE to hear from you! :)

Finally, David also briefly covers near the end about the new Justice League Academy, which is a FREE training course open to EVERYONE with no previous skills or experience. You will get to work on LIVE code to empower you that you are making a difference! :)

We wish to help the people the world has forgotten (such as the unemployed, homeless, disabled, kids on the streets, people in prison, drug addicts, etc), to help them BELEIVE in themselves again and to help them find their gift for the world...

Check out more here:

Below is the full uncut version but as a heads up the troll acts like a school kid drawing certain shapes over the presentation, you have been warned! ;-)

There is some important info I share before the troll interrupts so may still be worth watching it if you fancy it... :)

Read more about the OASIS API here:

Check out the LIVE OASIS API here:

In Love, Light & Hope,

The Our World Tribe.



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