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BIG UPDATE, Lot's of exciting news! :)

Greetings Friends,

Hope this finds you well? Apologies for the long radio silence again, we have been flat out working and now it is time to update our fans who we appreciate very much! :)

Our World has made lots of progress and we hope to release a new video showing the progress we have made with that soon... :) The MVP is now around 70% complete! :) As part of this we have also developed a OASIS API Unity Asset Package making it quicker and easier to plug the OASIS API into new or existing Unity projects, this is about to be released and we will share more news on this soon...

The OASIS API Web Portal is about 90 - 95% complete and will soon be launched. It contains examples of how to use the generic OASIS API Web Components we have been building in Pure JS/React & Angular. The React components are the most developed since we decided it best o focus on just one to get it out the door and then add support for the others after. We will also add support for Vue and others... The current LIVE version is just a placeholder site teasing some of the features we have been working on ( If you goto the Staging version from the Dev menu you will find a more mobile friendly version. The version in dev is a lot more advanced than this and soon we will be ready to show you... :) You will soon be able to create your OASIS Avatars through the Web Portal.

As part of this will have also developed a generic Node.JS OASIS API package that can be plugged into any existing Node.JS/JS site making it easier to plug in and use the OASIS API. We will release this soon...

We now have SolanaOASIS, CargoOASIS & MapBoxOASIS Providers added to the list of supported OASIS Providers: IPFS, MongoDB, SQLLite, EOSIO, Telos, SEEDS, Ethereum & Holochain.

We have also upgraded the entire codebase to .NET 6, the latest and fastest .NET yet! :) This comes with lots of performance and feature enhancements including security enhancements & more. The code size has also been significantly reduced meaning it can more easily run on mobile devices and IoT's etc.

We will be publishing a more detailed blog post on this soon so watch this space! :)

We have also been doing a lot of upgrades to OASIS API ( including bug fixes, improved error handling, more consistent responses, performance improvements and additional features. We will be releasing v20 soon so watch out for that! :) We will then finally be ready to do an updated demo of the OASIS API kicking off the long awaited OASIS API Hackalongs and soon a OASIS API Hackathon... so there is lots coming soon! :)

We will soon be launching our OASIS Coin through a ICO so please reach out to us if you are interested in taking part in this, thanks. Our Telegram group is here: ( or on our Discord Server (

And finally STAR ODK Omniverse/Metaverse/Cyberspace has come a long way, the backend is about 90% complete and we have started building the Unity UI (we plan to also build a Unreal version after that). We chose Unity to begin with so it can also run on mobiles and be as cross platform as possible. Plus Our World is also built on Unity, the geo-location AR game. One World (the sequeal) will be a MMORPG game built on the Unreal 5 engine. You will be able to zoom out in both games and explore the Omniverse/Metaverse/Cyberspace, which among many other things will be a immersive 3D (VR) UI to the OASIS API (connecting all blockchains, databases, holochain, IPFS, ActivityPub & everything else!). It will be the UI to the new fully de-censtalised distributed Internet we are all building! This really is the Ready Player One Prophecy manifesting at long last! :) IOI (Facebook) will not win! ;-)

Each moon/planet/star will represent either a OAPP (OASIS App) or ONODE (OASIS Node). The bigger the ecosystem that your OAPP has or belongs to, the bigger that Solar System, Galaxy or Universe will be... Same applies to ONODE's, the more OASIS Providers you are hosting the bigger your Moon, Planet or Star will be and their corresponding Solar System/Galaxy. You will of course receive HOT, Karma & SEEDS for hosting similar to Holo with the additon of SEEDS & Karma. We will share more on how this works in detail soon...

We built out three teams (web, unity and back-end services) to build all of this from the sells we made from selling virtual land in Our World (OLAND NFT's). Unfortunately that funding dried up in November so it has been just myself (David - Founder/CEO/CTO) working flat out on STAR ODK since then... so we would REALLY appreciate some help with funding please to help get the MVP's (Our World, Web Portal & STAR Metaverse) fished ASAP opening the doors to the millions of funding this project has rightly deserved for a long time now! ;-)

Also, if you know of anyone who may want to invest or buy some OLAND NFT's please send them our way, the best way is to reach out to us on either our Telegram group ( or on our Discord Server ( You will of course receive karma for this, the amount will be relevant to the amount of funding you can bring in...

We are also looking for Open Source Devs, if you know any, please send our way and again you will receive 222 karma for each dev who works with us for at least a month and engages with us... :) The devs will also of course receive karma, crypto and OLAND NFT's for their contributions...

Finally, if anyone wants to step up and help with improving our websites, help with marketing, PR, social media it would be really appreciated. You will receive a generous amount of karma, OLAND, crypto, etc. We are also looking for partners (COO, CFO, CCO, CMO etc) and equity is available for the right people... please get in touch, we are looking forward to hearing from you! :)

We are already in talks with a potential new CFO/COO/CMO, we will keep you updated on developments. We have also continued networking and seeking new funding opportunities, lot's of exciting things on the horizons, but we still need everyone to come together and fight to save Our World! :)

Oh, we have also been setting up a eco-village here in Mexico which is 100% off-grid and sustainable in the Jungle by a river so we are building hydro electric power and we already have solar power. This will be a high tech eco-village fully integrated into the OASIS API/Holochain/Our World tech. We are building a real-life 3D VR Farmville! ;-) The plan is to use this as a template that can then be scaled up and rolled out world-wide, which will all be part of the new fully de-centralised distributed OASIS Network (ONET/HoloNET/StarNET).

It is time to really accelerate things now (if you have seen the state the world is in you will see projects like this are needed more than ever, which are providing the solutions to the world's problems/crisis) and to do so we need to massively expand our teams with hard working, reliable, experienced people who are in their hearts and are passionate about turning this world around and leaving a world for our kids and grandkids to grow up in...

In Love, Light & Hope,

The Our World Tribe.



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