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HoloNET Now Deployable In Real World Use Case!

Greetings Friends,

Today was another MAJOR milestone for HolonNET, it is now installable/deplpoyable with the latest release of HoloNET (v3.0,3). Part of this release includes a msi installer for HoloNET Manager that shows and proves HoloNET working in a real world use case.

This release resolves a number of deployment issues we had such as if there is a problem writing the embedded holochain.exe or hc.exe to the current working directory it will now write them to the AppData folder as a fallback, the error handling has also been improved. It also now writes the HoloNETDNA & HoloNETEntryDNA to the AppData folder as the default to avoid windows security issues.

We hope this will help encourage devs to jump in and start building on HoloNET/Holochain which provides a number of very powerful features such as the HoloNET ORM etc.

This will open the doors for holochain to two of the biggest ecosystems ,.net and unity with unreal support coming soon... running on Windows, Mac & Linux thanks to it being based on the latest and fastest .net (v8).

We hope this will encourage a flood of devs and resources to come to holochain and help take it mainstream since the enterprise sector mainly use .net so both the massive gaming and enterprise sectors can now build on holochain much quicker and easier thanks to HoloNET ORM and many other powerful features in HoloNET Client, HoloNET HyperNET, HoloNET Manager & HoloNET HDK.

Read more here:

You can read more about the release here:

You can also download the HoloNET Managaer MSI from the Assets listed in the above link or directly below:

This is the first real world deployment of HolonNET! Yay! :) This is a MAJOR milestone and shows and proves HoloNET working in a real world use case so you can give it a go yourself and give us vital feedback, thank you! :)

This is the UI to HoloNET and is also used to demo and test all functionality of HoloNET Client and HoloNET ORM. Read more about this above.

Please leave feedback in our Telegram group. We are aware of a few bugs we are still working on, we originally wanted to wait till we got these fixed but if we are being honest we couldn't wait any longer to get this out there to get early feedback and see where the demands were for further features, enhancements and what part of the HoloNET Family we should focus more on etc...

We also wanted help squishing these last few bugs because they have been quite tricky little buggers to track down! Please find them in our GitHub Issues .. :)

Any other help would also be greatly appreciated, we are always looking for devs (and non devs) to join us on this exciting journey to the stars... We would love to hear from you! Thank you! :)

You can read more about HoloNET Client, HoloNET ORM, HoloNET Manager, HoloNET HyperNET & HoloNET HDK in our previous posts:

Some of the above is repeated below for convenience:

HoloNETClient has now been split out into HoloNETClientAppAgent, HoloNETClientApp & HoloNETClientAdmin so is now more in line with the rust and js clients so existing hc devs will now find it more familiar! ;-)

This release also features the new HoloNET ORM (Object Relational Maping) package. This consists of the HoloNETEntryBase, HoloNETAuditEntryBase, HoloNETCollection and HoloNETObservsableCollection classes. The first two can be extended to create your HoloNET Entry models that map directly onto your data structs in your rust hApp zome code. The second two are collections of these entries. You can then simply call basic CRUD methods on your classes such as Load, Save, Delete, etc making it very quick and easy to build hApps without having to worry about the lower complexities of Holochain or configure and use the Holochain Conductor or API's. You also get change tracking, version control & rollback functionality for free. More documentation will be coming soon for this...

HoloNET ORM allows any existing .net app/website/game/service to be rapidly and quickly converted to a Holochain hApp with very little code changes (you can simply add a new attribute to the properties in your models) and it will now map to your rust hApp structs (which WEB5 STAR ODK/HDK) can also dynamically generate (it generates rust and c# code). Your hAPP will also be metaverse ready because STAR is also a interoperable metaverse generator (hence the name! ;-) ) and can also connect & bridge to any web2 or web3 provider thanks to it being built on the WEB4 OASIS API.

This release also features a new HoloNET Manager UI (think Launcher/Dev Store for .net and then some!) which showcases all of the advanced features of HoloNET Client and HoloNET ORM. This has many generic backend and UI components that can be used to allow other .net devs to rapidly construct their own .net hApps using HoloNET HDK. Yes, that is right, this client has grown so much now that it is now in a number of packages forming the official Holochain .NET HDK. This includes the WEB5 STAR ODK/HDK No/Low Code Generator allowing you to generate hApps built on top of the HoloNET Client and HoloNET ORM from simple metadata (this part is in alpha and will be shortly released). The HoloNET Manager is currently implemented in WPF but we have plans to port this to Uno, MAUI & OpenSilver meaning it can run natively on Windows, Mac, Linux, TV's, IPads, tablets, android, IOS & web. The work for this has already begun so expect future releases soon...

This release now fully implements the full Holochain Conductor Admin API so is now on par with the javascript and rust clients.

Finally this release also features HoloNET HyperNET allowing Unity and Unreal games to implement lag free P2P networking with near unlimited number of players to play online smashing previous limitations on classic cloud/server hosting.

This is the BIGGEST update to HoloNET to date and is pretty much a whole new product now! ;-)

NOTE: The documentation is still for the previous version, please bear with us while we update this soon... thank you!

HoloNET has been completely re-written from the ground up and improved in every way as well as now supporting the latest beta release of Holochain and the full Admin API and so much more! 😉

Installing and preparing a hApp for use: 13 lines vs 1 line and this is only a tiny taste of the many improvements and productivity saving features in HoloNET.

Others include auto-starting and shutting down the Holochain conductor so .NET devs do not ever need to worry about understanding how Holochain or the conductor work because HoloNET hides all this away from you and offers many advanced customization options in the new HoloNET DNA:

It also allows you to map data returned from the Holochain Conductor onto any of your data objects/models so you do not need to worry about doing this yourself. This is tiny preview of what HoloNET ORM also does for you and so much more...

HoloNET Client v3.0.0 also does a lot more than this, we will share more soon...


As part of this release we will also be releasing HoloNET ORM which is built on top of HoloNET making it even quicker and easier to build hApps and open up Holochain to the massive .net and unity ecosystems. This hides all the complexities of holochain, the conductor, admin and app API's so you simply just create your models that extend from either HoloNETEntryBase or HoloNETAuditEntryBase and then HoloNET ORM will take care of the rest! You can then simply call Load, Save or Delete on your model/entry to load/save/delete. It also has a number of advanced ORM features such as change tracking, rollback etc. If you use HoloNETAuditEntryBase then you also get version control and auditing features.

There is also of course HoloNETCollections which manage collections of your HoloNETEntries. These again are super simple to use with LoadCollection, SaveCollection & UpdateCollection methods. It also features change tracking and other advanced features.

We will go into more detail on HoloNET ORM in a future post once we have released it along with HoloNET Client v3.0.0.

Because of the power of HoloNET ORM you can simply add a few attributes to their existing models/classes for them to now work with Holochain!

This coupled with the .NET HDK/STAR ODK which dynamically generates c# and rust code from your meta data/business models makes upgrading to Holochain very quick and easy!

HoloNET Manager (previous name HoloNET WPF UI)

We also have the HoloNET Manager built on top of HoloNET ORM and HoloNET Client to demo all the new advanced features, it also provides a powerful business and UI framework for .NET enterprises to use making it easier for them to port to Holochain...

This started of as a simple Test Harness for HoloNET but has now evolved into soooo much more, it is a little like a .NET Holochain Laucher/Dev Store but it is also so much more! ;-) We will share more on this soon...

This can also be deployed to smartphones, tablets, TVs, Linux, Mac, everywhere! 😉

We have plans to extend this UI to The OASIS and other supported OASIS Providers such as Solana. As with everything we build, we do our best to make them as generic and re-usable as possible so as many people can benefit from them as possible! Share the Love! ;-)

The code for all of the HoloNET work above can be found here:

NuGet Packages:


Lightweight version that does not come with the holochain binaries (hc.exe and holochain.exe).


This version comes with the holochain binaries (hc.exe and holochain.exe) integrated.


A console test harness for HoloNET Client.


The new HoloNET ORM (Object Relational Mapping) allowing very easy & rapid development of hApps. This consists of the HoloNETEntryBase, HoloNETAuditEntryBase, HoloNETCollection and HoloNETObservsableCollection classes. The first two can be extended to create your HoloNET Entry models that map directly onto your data structs in your rust hApp zome code. The second two are collections of these entries. You can then simply call basic CRUD methods on your classes such as Load, Save, Delete, etc making it very quick and easy to build hApps without having to worry about the lower complexities of Holochain or configure and use the Holochain Conductor or API's. You also get change tracking, version control & rollback functionality for free. HoloNET ORM allows any existing .net app/website/game/service to be rapidly and quickly converted to a Holochain hApp with very little code changes (you can simply add a new attribute to the properties in your models) and it will now map to your rust hApp structs (which WEB5 NextGenSoftware.OASIS.STAR ( can also dynamically generate (it generates rust and c# code). More documentation will be coming soon for this...


This is exactly the same as above except it is using the embedded version of the HoloNET Client so it is integrated with the Holochain Conductor binaries.


The new UI to HoloNET Client & HoloNET ORM show casing all of their advanced features. This has many generic backend and UI components that can be used to allow other .net devs to rapidly construct their own .net hApps using HoloNET HDK (HoloNET Client, HoloNET ORM, HoloNET Manager, WEB5 STAR ODK/HDK & HoloNET HyperNET). The HoloNET Manager is currently implemented in WPF but we have plans to port this to Uno, MAUI & OpenSilver meaning it can run natively on Windows, Mac, Linux, TV's, IPads, tablets, android, IOS & web. The work for this has already begun so expect future releases soon...


This is exactly the same as above except it is using the embedded version of the HoloNET Client so it is integrated with the Holochain Conductor binaries.


The new HoloNET HDK consisting of HoloNET Client, HoloNET ORM, HoloNET Manager, WEB5 STAR ODK/HDK & HoloNET HyperNET. This package contains a plugin to the generic WEB5 STAR ODK No/Low Code Generator extending it so it can generate hApps from metadata built on top of the HoloNET Client/ORM. Release Coming Soon...


This is exactly the same as above except it is using the embedded version of the HoloNET Client so it is integrated with the Holochain Conductor binaries.

The new No/Low Code Generator allowing you to generate code for any supported OASIS Provider (web2 and web3) and currently supports Holochain, IPFS, Solana, EOS, Ethereum, Telos, SEEDS, MongoDB, SQLLite, Neo4j & Azure. The generated code runs on top of OASIS/STAR COSMIC ORM making it a very easy and powerful way to share data between any web2 or web3 provider. Release Coming Soon...


This is built on top of the HoloNET Client & HoloNET ORM and allows Unity and Unreal games to implement lag free P2P networking allowing near unlimited number of players to play online smashing previous limitations on classic cloud/server hosting. Release Coming Soon...


This is exactly the same as above except it is using the embedded version of the HoloNET Client so it is integrated with the Holochain Conductor binaries.

Calling All .NET/Unity/Unreal Devs!

So if you are a .net dev and are looking to get started with holochain but don't have time to learn a new programming language (rust) or learn how to build on holochain then HoloNET is ideal for you! It saves you time having to learn the complex Holochain Conductor API's as well as the HDK etc too. Plus as a bonus you can get up to speed with the HoloNET ORM even faster!

Read more on our new site below:

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