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Investment is coming... FINALLY! :)

Greetings Friends.

We bring good news....

We are in talks with investors who have finally seen the light and know Our World is the future and so is something worth definitelyinvesting in...

As part of this we will be forming a new partnership with who share similar goals and vision to us... They will also be bringing their talented team and their extensive networks to help with Our World...

We are now working out a deal which is good for everyone...

The team has also been expanding with many new talented people joining...

The prototype is also taking shape and hope to have a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) released soon...

Sooooo much happening, we have our next Our World meeting on the 10th July, where we will welcome some new amazing people to the elite team, which is Our World.

Stay tuned for more exciting news coming soon...

The Our World Team.

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