Our World Attended Our First Holochain London Meetup! :)
Greetings Friends,
We bring good news, we attended our first Holochain London meetup last night, which went really well! :)
Was great to see some familiar faces there such as Eric Bear, which was unexpected for both us, we have talked a few times online before during the dev camps and virtual get together's.
Was great to finally talk face to face about Holochain! :)
We made some GREAT connections who may be able to help with Our World as well as giving some valuable insights into Holochain, etc.
What made the evening even more amazing was my good friend and colleague kindly gifted us his Holoport since he cannot use it where he is currently living... :)
I said we would return it once we can afford our very own Holoport+ within a couple of months :)
Looking forward to the next meetup, hopefully it will not be too soon! :)
We are considering to help co-host the meetups in future so they are more regular. We would also love to organise a hackathon in London so stay tuned for more exciting news on that soon... :)
In Love, Light & Hope,
The Our World Team.