Meet Our New Chief Motivational Officer CMO

Greetings Friends,
Apologies for the silence, as before we have been very busy working on the prototype, taking on new members and restructuring and reorganising ourselves.
We are very happy to introduce you to our new Chief Motivational Officer, Mr Happy! :)
Mr Happy is delighted to have joined us at this exciting time and has been working very intensely with all of us here at NextGen Software to ensure we are all as happy as we can be. We are happy to say that we have all noticed our motivational and productivity levels increase since Mr Happy joined us so he is already working his happy magic! :)
Below is a small statement from Mr Happy:
"I am very happy to have joined such a great team at this exciting stage, it is the perfect place to work, that I have been looking for and I can see myself staying here for a very long time. I really believe in their vision to make the world a better place through the use of technology and to bring joy and happiness to as many people as possible, and this is what I do best so thought it was a perfect fit!"
We will be sharing yet more exciting developments soon so watch this space! :)
In Joy & Happiness,
The Happy Our World Team.