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Our World Now On SEEDS Market Place & Forum! :)

Greetings Friends,

We have pleasure to announce that Our World is now on the SEEDS market place:

To view them on the market place goto the SEEDS website: and download their Global Passport DApp onto your phone and then goto the Market section and then select the Technology & Tools category, and then you will see Our World at the bottom of the list as the the screenshot above shows...

Our World is also now on the SEEDS Forum, goto the Forum section on the Global Passport and you will see something similar to this:

This is part of our recent hard work to deeply integrate and synergise with the amazing powerful SEEDS community/movement/ecosystem...

This is all leading up to deeper integration with the OASIS API...

We have lots more SEEDS news to share in upcoming posts... so stay tuned tribe! :) <3

In Love, Light & Hope,

The Our World Tribe. (Telegram General Chat) (Telegram Announcements) (Telegram Tech Updates)

Join The Our World Tribe/Dev Requirements


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