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ThreeFold OASIS Provider Coming Soon...

Greetings Friends,

We have pleasure to announce that the ThreeFold OASIS Provider will be coming soon...

For those who are not aware, ThreeFold is a decentralised distributed internet infrastructure similar to Holochain but works differently, we feel both of these technologies complement each other and the power and strengths of both can be harnessed when deeply integrated within the OASIS...

Read more here:

We plan to fork and customise their ZeroOS to host ONODE's (OASIS NODES), this coupled with our plans to do something similar with the Holochain's Holoports (HoloNix), this will make a very powerful decentralised distributed network of networks, aka the ONET (OASIS NET)/HoloNET...

Some serious magic coming soon to a Galaxy near you...

In Love, Light & Hope,

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